25 July 2011


Well if I'm going to get good enough for people to start following this then I better start updating more regularly!

The other night T and I went to Ichi Ni for dinner. The reason I choose Ichi Ni is because I love sushi and I love St Kilda. The food is great but it is way overpriced and it just didn't sit right with me spending $100 plus on a meal for the two of us whilst sitting next to the Espy...

Ahhh but the following weekend was Fishbowl Friday. Always makes me feel like crap the next day with all the cheese and sugary ice drinks but somehow I keep going back!

Is it just me or does the above fishbowl look like pureed carrot?

17 July 2011

Weekend brunch

Had an amazing brunch date at Pope Joan in Brunswick East yesterday morning. Amazing food and coffee was to die for! Could not recommend more.

As for the rest of the day in Brunswick... well let 's just say I much prefer my side of town.

10 July 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

I am so freaking excited to see this on Wednesday!!!

I have been obsessed with Harry Potter since I went and saw the first movie when I was about 16. I have read and re-read all of the books an endless amount of times and I am always in line the day of the release for all the movies and books since that first fateful day.

Stay tuned for an update on Thursday.

9 July 2011

More than meets the eye

T and I went to see the new Transformers movie last night and I must admit, I was suitably impressed. I have never actually seen a Transformers movie (or show) and was pretty sure I was going to bored out of mind but it's really quite good. 

I now also have a crush on Josh Duhamel and Bumble Bee xx

4 July 2011

First post!

I spend so much of my spare time flicking through other peoples blogs these days that I feel it is only right to give a little back! So welcome, and just to start here are a few of the things I love.

Two in one - travelling AND France

Being engaged to my wonderful fiance

My first brand new car

Good wine

Puppies (not mine but I do love little Bella!)

